Saturday, August 1, 2009

freedom writers...

started my day with FRIENDS on starworld,then i switched to hbo on channel showed "freedom writers",a story about a committed teacher who must find a way to bring her racially disparate class together in the shadow of the LA kids,asian,hispanic...a determination of a young dedicated teacher who tried her very best to make a the movie she asked her troubled students to start writing a diary of their own life on a daily basis.then she asked them to read books,started with the diary of anne frank,the story about a jewish lady who suffered the nazi's occupation of the netherlands...this movie is about making changes,changes to our ownselves,changes to society...changes for every one...i've been there before,i mean,trying to make a change...and i did...i succeed...but changes are not meant to be only one time...changes can be all the time,changes can be every minute...what really matter is what kind of changes...good one,bad's all up to us...and for me,i'll keep making changes on any given day...heading for the greatness...try being the greatest...come along with me...there are plenty of spaces here...

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