Monday, August 3, 2009

2nd day of the week...

i woke up with stomachache...not sure whether it was the chicken wings i had for dinner or the nasi lemak....but it didnt matter...i'm used to it already...ok,today i got to go to LHDN,got stamping to do...breakfast for me only iced milo...stomach still aching,so couldnt really eat,i forgot to stick the car road tax for my gf's car again...ha ha,3 days in a row i forgot...i better do it later this evening..don't want her to get into trouble with the authorities...talking about authorities,just now i read the news about 4 men were send to prison for 8 years for wacking a snatch theft to death and they pleaded guilty to an alternative charge of culpable homocide not amounting to murder...they were vigilantes,even they may get overboard.we might do the same thing if it happened to us...i would do the same thing,i would beat the bastards...and we might get carried away also...anger,revenge,vengeance...things are going wrong with our world these days...we need to make changes...we should start making one's all about economy,all about money,all about ringgit malaysia..we have enuff of it,snatch theft,loan sharks,robbery will to mkae it enuff...?that we need to ask ourselves what we should do.there are so many ways to earn it.basically,work our ass off no matter what.that's the fundamentals...challenge ourselves and see how far can we go....

*word of the day - good is not enuff when better is expected...

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